Here are a couple of additional pieces I've been working on. Just got
back from a week in the Loire Valley and I worked on these when I got
This first piece is in my favorite palette using many pieces from things I've found while in France as well as other bits from my collage stash. I think it's finished; at least it's finished for now...
Below is a piece I did and realized I didn't like. The piece in the middle wasn't right--too big, not the right colors; it just looked stuck on. So I went back and reworked it. It's still not finished but moving in a better direction. I like the Cubist feel and I'm trying to work with that.
Having fun doing art (most days...). I can't believe I have to leave this incredible place in two weeks.
Those are all wonderful, so rich in textures! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!